The quality of a shoe is not measured exclusively because it is made of a certain material or because it is signed by a renowned person. But for some characteristics that must be taken into account to be able to judge whether or not the shoe is good. These characteristics are as follows.
1- A comfortable and breathable interior. The interior of the shoe will largely determine its comfort, but also its hygiene. Shoes with plastic soles make the foot sweat and do not perspire. This causes moisture to remain inside the shoe, proliferating bacteria and creating problems such as athlete’s foot or fungus.
They also create serious odor problems, so the person must use many products to counteract it, something that does not happen with a shoe with good perspiration.
2- A sole that cushions well and isolates. The sole of the shoe is also very important for the health of the feet and knees. It should have good cushioning and pick up the impact when walking. It must also be flexible enough to adapt to the foot and the way of moving it as each person walks.
At the same time, it must properly insulate from the cold outside or from the imperfections of the road. A good sole will not only make us feel comfortable when stepping, it will also prevent us from noticing, for example, the lines of the sidewalks or the cold of the frozen ground in winter.
3- Make it Ecological footwear. A quality footwear has to be sustainable and responsible for its environment and that is why betting on ecological footwear is to do it for quality footwear. Because the quality of a garment should not be measured only by its beauty or by how well it feels, but also by how it respects the environment or not.
A comfortable shoe, with good and beautiful soles, will be practically perfect if it is also ecological. Because caring for the planet is everyone’s commitment every time we make a purchase.
4- That it adapts perfectly to the movement of the foot. The shoe must be light, not have a great weight and adapt perfectly to the movement of the foot. For this reason, it must be made of flexible material that does not prevent you from moving your toes or bending your foot completely naturally.
In this way, the formation of sores and cuts that can make walking a real ordeal for anyone is avoided.